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Schedule A Scrimmage

Terri Loken

D6 Referee Scheduler

Phone: 612-723-1479

Scrimmage Request


+++  February 9 th (Super Bowl Sunday)  February 14th (Valentine Day) no scrimmage request please  unless a added $15 per ref its a black out date).+++
13.3.1    District 6 officials MUST BE USED for all games and scrimmages between District 6 teams and for all games and scrimmages played on District 6 ice.

        13.3.2    On-Ice Officials – Any District 6 games or scrimmage MUST utilize the District 6 referee schedulers to assign officials.  Requests for officials for scrimmages must be made 96 hours prior to the start of the scrimmage.  If a scrimmage has been set up with the league scheduler and the scrimmage gets cancelled, the league scheduler must be given a minimum of 24 hours notice or a game fee will be assessed against the team which set up the scrimmage.  On-ice officials must be paid for scrimmages prior to the start of the scrimmage.   


          TEAMS **      

 Please keep a eye on your scrimmage posted in Arbiter, if you do not have TWO officials listed  on the day of your game I may have to cancel it due to  referee coverage and Minnesota's USA hockey Policy of having 2 officials.   I will call you with a heads up if I am not able to cover your scrimmage.

 your Options : 

 a control scrimmage 


Cancel Per the D6 policy on scrimmages 



 When you Pay the officials please put scrimmage number on check, Pay before scrimmage.

Team that owns the ice Provides the officials.                           

 120 ( 5 days) Hours advance notice please if possible so I have time to cover.

Once you submit a referee request I will set you up on the web page that the referees will be using to get their game schedule. is the site and you will have to go to that page to verify your scrimmage I will create a log in for you off the e-mail address you request a scrimmage from. A welcome e-mail will be sent where you can log in , once there click schedule then master schedule, you should see your game listed click the number to the far right. YOU WILL HAVE REFEREES ASSIGNED TO WHAT GAME INFORMATION IS POSTED THAT WILL BE YOUR CONFIRMATION ON THE GAME

Please allow 24 hours to post in the arbiter,


** D6 Teams when you have a scrimmage in D6 please make sure  you pay the officials from your account and have the away teams pay you, this way no issues.... if refs are not paid at the game there will be a Added fee to the rate *** PER WEEK

 You must verify your game postings because you will be responsible either way to pay officials if details are wrong, as this would mean you did not verify, you are the only one who knows what is correct, referees would be paid with in the week or a late fee per week attached to amount.

TWO checks please for the officials since they do not live in the same house or have the same back account.


Request for next day for officials  a $10.00 last minute fee for each Official paid at game. (they have to cancel their plans to do your game).


IF YOU CANCEL A SCRIMMAGE WITHOUT A TWO DAY NOTICE YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO PAY THE OFFICIALS  THE POSTED RATE.   (Reason-- they set their personal schedule up around your request for them to cover your game, if you cancel your scrimmage  they may of canceled other plans to make sure your game is covered)

If no officials    CALL ME ASAP

Any questions contact me Terri. 612-723-1479


If you request officials for a scrimmage I'll set you up an account in arbiter off your email address to verify.

ARBITER SPORTS - Click this link

***** Verify Referee Assignments ****** PLEASE READ Password provided to registered Team contacts, after 24 hours your scrimmage request will be posted, please verify as referee will only be assigned to what is posted. After on the Arbiter's web page click upper right to log on and switch view. Thanks Terri


            D6 Policy on use of Officials

13.3    Use of Officials

13.3.1    District 6 officials MUST BE USED for all games and scrimmages between District 6 teams and for all games and scrimmages played on District 6 ice.

        13.3.2    On-Ice Officials – Any District 6 games or scrimmage MUST utilize the District 6 referee schedulers to assign officials.  Requests for officials for scrimmages must be made 96 hours prior to the start of the scrimmage.  If a scrimmage has been set up with the league scheduler and the scrimmage gets cancelled, the league scheduler must be given a minimum of 24 hours notice or a game fee will be assessed against the team which set up the scrimmage.  On-ice officials must be paid for scrimmages prior to the start of the scrimmage.


Please Note

After requesting referees you should verify that they have been assigned by checking your schedule 48 hours after the request.  If the scrimmage shows up on the schedule you have referees assigned to what is posted. 

  • CANCEL a scrimmage  CALL 612-723-1479 OR fill out the form and note cancel along with game number, same person to fill out form so I know it is a legitimate canceled game. If not Canceled you will pay the referees.

If you cancel the scrimmage the same day as the scrimmage you will still be required to pay the officials.

OUT of Circle scrimmages will be a extra $20./$30. Ea ref,  this rate will be posted on the game listing . D6 policy is ALL Ice the  D6 home team buys no matter location.

We provided a map link above.  

Thanks Terri

* - Denotes required field

Schedule a Scrimmage Game

To schedule a scrimmage game AND have referees assigned please complete the form below.  When finished, click the 'Submit Form' button at the bottom of the page.

Please allow up to four days (96 hours) for scheduling of referee assignment.

Your Contact Information

Team Information

Game Information